Zijwaarts Foundation
The world belongs to everyone
We believe that the world belongs to everyone. We find the presence of people from many different countries and cultures an asset, an enrichment. Everyone should have the same right to settle anywhere in the world of their own choice. All borders must be open, if not removed, to make this possible.
For us it is central that everyone has the right to a decent life and equal and just treatment. Because the Netherlands and other EU countries do not grant a residence permit to all immigrants and the existing laws exclude people without a residence permit from participating in society, we believe that these laws should be changed. In addition, existing human rights must be guaranteed. Immigrants must be able to fully participate in society, be able to independently build a life and be treated with respect.
Unfortunately, a world in which people only migrate out of curiosity or love is still far away. At present, people migrate mainly because of poverty, inequality, violence, human rights violations or disaster situations.
Migrating or fleeing is often more difficult for women than for men. Women are more often the target of (sexual) violence, often care for children, have less financial means at their disposal and the prevailing norms and values make it less easy for them to leave their homes.
Even more than men, female migrants and refugees are bumping into the walls of current migration policy. Women-unfriendly procedures, legislation and case law, and the denial of the sex-specific flight motives and specific distress that many women are in, are in addition to the already restrictive admission requirements. The position of so-called illegal women is the most invisible and their story the least heard.
There are no illegal people, only inhumane laws!