Steungroep vrouwen zonder verblijfsvergunning
Supportgroup Undocumented Women

Groupe Soutien des Femmes Sans-Papiers

van Ostadestraat 49 B
1072 SN Amsterdam

Opening hours:

Monday-Friday 10:00-17:00 – on appointment only.

Make an appointment via Whatsapp, Signal, phone, web contact form or e-mail

M: 06-38550698

M: 06-39179806


Metro 52 or tram 3, 12, 24 to de Pijp

  • We provide advice, guidance and help during resident procedures, access to medical care, shelter, the right to education, social and financial matters.
  • For children from 4-18 years we provide laptops, travel cost and school books etc. through different types of funding, in addition to activities such as sports and cultural activities.
  • Food and clothing support – we work together with other organizations and make use of several basic need initiatives in Amsterdam.

Bank detail

NL31 TRIO 0197906834
tnv Stichting Zijwaarts / SVZV

RSIN: 812429151
KvK-nummer: 34189583
